Friday, February 12, 2010

Locks of Love

Little Woman is a giver. She makes pretty little messages on paper, cuts them out and wraps them around cans of Diet Coke to give me. She decorates my refrigerator. She lines things up and makes things lovely for me. She truly understands what is beautiful and if it's not, she tries her best to make it beautiful.

When Julia was 7 1/2, just before she received First Holy Communion in May of 2007, she allowed us to cut off 10 1/2" of her beautiful hair for Locks of Love. This organization takes donated hair to create wigs for children suffering from hair loss due to major medical issues such as cancer treatments. Many hair salons will give you a free haircut if you allow them to donate your hair. We patronized our local Great Clips for her cut.

Last weekend, she did it again. This time, she donated 12" of hair. It's hard to tell here, but her hair was down to her waist. Not long enough to sit on, but she was close to being able to tuck it in the waist band of her pants. Here's the before:

Our hairstylist neatly parted and combed through her hair and put it into two braids, banded top and bottom. Then, she cut above the braids. Little Woman was worried she would not have enough hair left to put in a pony tail. Even with the 12" taken off, she still had plenty of hair left to put up in a pony tail.

By the way, this slacker mommy had not sent in the hair from 2007. Great Clips gladly accepted the pony tail from 3 years ago and will mail it in along with her current donation. So, if you have any 10" or longer pony tails lying around, do something beautiful with it and send it to Locks of Love or drop it at your local Great Clips.

Here she is holding both pony tails before getting her hair dried.

She's already planning how long it will take to have her next donation ready. She's also trying to recruit her friends and sister to grow their hair out, too.


  1. I am so proud of my grand daughter ...she is as her mother says... a kind careing wonderful and intelligent woman. I am proud to say she is my grand daughter Love Grandme Barb

  2. Wow! She has donated 2X in 3 years! Her hair grows fast! That's awesome! I'd be like slacker momma. I have lots of stuff around here that never quite makes it to the A list.
