Sunday, December 12, 2010

Am I a bad Catholic?

Usually, we wait for the week before Christmas to put up our tree, decorations and all the house "finery".

We didn't wait this year.  After being snowed in yesterday, frozen in today, with activities for which my kids have been planning and practicing for months canceled AND to have the hubby get three, yes three, job offers last week, each on a different feast day (St. Ambrose, Immaculate Conception and St. Juan Diego), we decided to put up the tree last night.  We couldn't go and celebrate.  The kids couldn't do their activities.  We needed something.

One of our holiday traditions is for the kids to sleep under the Christmas tree.  This is so important to my kids.  We move all the furniture around and put down sleeping bags and pillows.  All but the one year old slept there all night (or most of it - five year old was up until 1:00am because he was so excited.)

So, I may be a bad Catholic for not waiting a little closer to Christmas.  But, it was because He has already delivered so MUCH joy this Advent season that we couldn't wait to say ooh and aah (or as the one year old says, "OOOH pretty!") as we wait in joyful hope of the coming of Our Lord!


  1. That's a great tradition....but flexibilty alongside it...even better. We normally don't put anything out before Christmas Eve other than my Fontanini Nativity Set (minus The Holy Family and Wise Men. But the kids were itching to put some decorations they found in the garage outside and I consented, as long as the Holy Family didn't go out yet. I think it's just more ways to prepare for what is important. So, no you are not a bad Catholic :) And...I love the sleeping under the tree tradition (but don't tell my kids...I'm not quite brave enough to risk the late night)

    Congrats on those interviews for your dh. We'll pray for him!

  2. Only if I am a horrible Catholic..... We cannot wait to get it all out - rather My Love and my children cannot wait... I do not think that putting up a tree and decorations is something that makes you a `bad Catholic`... We move our Mary and Joseph Fontanini pieces through the house beginning on 12/1, thanks to my M-I-L, this year Marys donkey is travelling with them. Right now, our stable has the ox and a cow in it, and until Christmas Eve they will remain there..... We do Advent prayers and talk about Advent - the tree and decorations are just a bonus :)

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  4. Man, I can't type this morning. A friend suggested that we don't light the tree as a preparation for Christmas. I think that is something we can do as long as the 3 year old is monitored. That foot switch for the tree is pretty fun to play with!
