Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mr. Peterson's Gingersnap Cookies

I'm waxing poetic today about two wonderful men that died of complications of Diabetes.  One is my brother-in-law John, who loved these cookies and Mr. Peterson, who made these cookies.  Both were lovely men that left behind 5 kids and a beautiful wife.

Mr. Peterson was the father of my good friend Deb.  We were in all-things-choir together.  So was John.  We were a tight-knit group.  After EVERY choir concert or musical performance Mr. Peterson brought an ice cream bucket full of these delicious cookies.  John loved anything full of cinnamon, ginger and cloves.  His apple pies and pumpkin pies always had DOUBLE the spice.

Today, I was feeling badly I couldn't attend my dear neighbor Bob's funeral yesterday because I have coughing kids.  We've had lots of asthma attacks this fall, thanks to the dry, windy weather and a respiratory virus that is wreaking havoc on my two youngest kids' lungs.  This mommy has been up several nights now, battling coughs with Benedryl and Albuterol.  I couldn't make it yesterday because we had had one of  "those" nights and I was worried about leaving the coughers to someone else's care.

So, I baked up a batch of these cookies today, egg-free, and we shared a 1/2 dozen with Diane, Bob's beautiful wife.  I got the benefit of seeing all the beautiful flowers that were at the church and picture boards because they were home, in Diane's living room and dining room.  Diane said they served over 200 people lunch.  Bob was a great man, and I was happy to find out that Gingersnaps were his favorite cookie.  Diane got an extra hug because I needed to give one.  She told me, as she squeezed my hand, that she wants to stay in her house as long as she can because she and Bob built that house and Bob is everywhere in that house.  I'm so glad to hear that.

Here's the recipe WITH the eggs. I replaced the two eggs with a mixture 1 Tbsp flax seed meal, 1 Tbsp chia seed meal and 6 Tbsp. water.

Mr. Peterson's Gingersnap Cookies
(These are soft and chewy, not hard.  If you want hard cookies, do not store them in an airtight container.)

1 1/2 c. melted shortening (I know, not good for you, but these are cookies!  They AREN'T good for you!)
2 c. sugar
2 eggs
1/2 c. molasses
4 c. sifted flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. ginger
2 tsp. cloves
2 tsp. cinnamon

Sugar for rolling cookies

Mix all the ingredients together.  Using a small scoop, make a ball and roll in granulated sugar.  Bake 9 minutes at 350 degrees.  Allow to cool on the pan for a few minutes before cooling on a rack.

One last thing...please say a prayer for Beth, my sister.  She and her five kids are on vacation this week.  Please also say a prayer for the repose of Bob's soul and his wife of 56 years, Diane, and their four sons as they get used to life without Bob.

UPDATE:  Please also pray for my stepdad, Tom. I just found out today he has been diagnosed with Colon Cancer.  We don't know what stage the cancer is, but he's been feeling drained for a long time.  The doctor doing the colonoscopy did not biopsy because it was very evident it was cancerous and had perforated the inside layer of the bowel.  They are awaiting a surgeon to know how to proceed.  St. Peregrine, pray for us!

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